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Jobim K, Błaszkowski J, Niezgoda P, Kowsloska A, Zubek S, Mleczko P, Chachuła P, Ishikawa NK, Goto BT. (2019) New sporocarpic taxa in the phylum Glomeromycota: Sclerocarpum amazonicumgen. et sp. nov. in the family Glomeraceae (Glomerales) and Diversisporasporocarpiasp. nov. in Diversisporaceae (Diversisporales). Mycological Progress 18:369-384.

Błaszkowski J, Niezgoda P, Goto BT, Kozłowska A (2018) Halonatospora gen. nov. with  H. pansihalos comb. nov. and Glomus bareae sp. nov. (Glomeromycota; Glomeraceae). Botany.

PEREIRA, C. M. R.; DA SILVA, ALVES, D. K.; GOTO, B. T.; ROSENDAHL, S.; MAIA, L. C. Management practices may lead to loss of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal diversity in protected areas of the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. Fungal Ecology, v. 34, p. 50-58, 2018.

BŁASKOWSZKI, J.; KOZŁOWSKA, A.; NIEZGODA, P.; GOTO, B. T.; DALPE, Y. A new genus, Oehlia with Oehlia diaphana comb. nov. and an emended description of Rhizoglomus vesiculiferum comb. nov. in the Glomeromycotina. NOVA HEDWIGIA, 2018.


SOUZA, F. A.; SILVA, I. R.; BARROS-BARRETO, M. B. B.; OEHL, F.; GOTO, B. T.; Maia, L.C. Racocetra crispa (Glomeromycotina) delimited by integrative evidence based on morphology, long continuous nuclear rDNA sequences and phylogeny. Mycological Progress, 2018.

XAVIER-LEITE, A. B. ; Cáceres, M.E.S. ; GOTO, B. T. ; Lücking, R. . The genus (lichenized Ascomycota: Gomphillaceae) in Brazil: updated checklist, key to species, and two novel taxa with unique hyphophores. BRYOLOGIST, v. 121, p. 32-40, 2018.

RIOS, T. T. ; Silva, D. K. A. ; Yano Melo, A. M. ; GOTO, B. T. . Seasonal differences in arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal communities in two woody species dominating semiarid caatinga forests. FOLIA GEOBOTANICA, v. 1, p. 1-10, 2018.

JOBIM, K. ; VISTA, X. M. ; GOTO, B. T. Updates on the knowledge of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi (Glomeromycotina) in the Atlantic Forest biome ? an example of very high species richness in the Brazilian biomes. MYCOTAXON, v. 133, p. 1-17, 2018.

Torres-Arias, Yamir ; FURRAZOLA, E. ; Berbara, R.L.L. ; JOBIM, K. ; LIMA, J. L. R. ; GOTO, B. T. Glomus herrerae, a new sporocarpic species of Glomeromycetes from Cuba. CURRENT RESEARCH IN ENVIRONMENTAL & APPLIED MYCOLOGY, v. 7, p. 155-160, 2017.

OKI, Y.; GOTO, B.T.; JOBIM, K.; ROSA, L.H.; FERREIRA, M.C.; COUTINHO, E.S.; de AZEVEDO XAVIER, J.H.; CARVALHO, F.; de SOUZA MOREIRA, F.M.; de SOUZA, F.A.; BERBARA, R.L.L.; FERNANDES, G.W. Arbuscular Mycorrhiza and Endophytic Fungi in Ruspestrian Grasslands. In: Geraldo Wilson Fernandes. (Org.). Ecology and Conservation of Mountaintop grasslands in Brazil. 1ed.: Springer International Publishing, 2016, p. 157-179.

JOBIM, K. ; GOTO, B. T. Diversity of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (Glomeromycota) in maritime sand dunes of Brazilian northeast. Studies in Fungi 1: 43-55, 2016.

JOBIM, K.; SILVA, I.R.; ASSIS, D.M.A.; VIEIRA, L.C.; SILVA, D.K.A.; OEHL, F.; MAIA, L.C.; GOTO, B.T. Arbuscular Mycorrhizae in Coastal Areas. In: Pagano, M.. (Org.). Fungal Biology. 1ed.: Springer International Publishing, 2016, p. 101-108.


SULZBACHER, M. A. ; GREBENC, T. ; CABRAL, T.S. ; GIACHINI, A. J. ; GOTO, B. T.; SMITH, M. E. ; BASEIA, I. G. Restingomyces, a new genus from the Brazilian Atlantic rainforest is phylogenetically related to early diverging taxa in Trappeaceae (Phallales). Mycologia, 2016..


PEREIRA, C. M. R. ; MAIA, L. C. ; SÁNCHEZ-CASTRO, I ; PALENZUELA, J.; Silva, D.K.A.; SUDOVA, R.; KOLAŘ ; RYDLOVA, J. ; Č ; GOTO, B.T.; SILVA, G.A.; OEHL, F. 2016. Acaulospora papillosa, a new mycorrhizal fungus from NE Brazil, and Acaulospora rugosa from Norway. Phytotaxa: a rapid international journal for accelerating the publication of botanical taxonomy  260 (1): 014–024.



GOTO, B.T.; BEZERRA, J.L.; MAIA, L.C. 2016. Sclerocystis coremioides (Glomeromycota) formando esporocarpos epígeos em substratos orgânicos de cacaueiro na Mata Atlântica da Bahia. Agrotrópica (Itabuna). 28: 23-28.


JOBIM, K. ; OLIVEIRA, B. I. S. ; GOTO, B. T. Checklist of the Glomeromycota in the Brazilian Savanna. Mycotaxon, 2016 (in press).


JOBIM, K.; GOTO, B.T. Diversity of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (Glomeromycota) in maritime sand dunes of Brazilian northeast. Studies in Fungi 1(1) 43-55, 2016 (in press).


COUTINHO, E.S.; FERNANDES, G.W.; BERBARA, R.L.L.; VALÉRIO, H.M.; GOTO, B. T. Variation of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal communities along an altitudinal gradient in rupestrian grasslands in Brazil. Mycorrhiza (Berlin), v. 25, p. 627-638, 2015.


DE LIRA, C.R.S.; ALVES, M.H.; BASEIA, I. G.; BERBARA, R.L.L.; GOTO, B. T.; GUSMÃO, L.P.; LIMA, R. A. A.; MARQUES, M.F.O.; NASCIMENTO, C. C.; NOBRE, C. P.; SILVA, B.D.B.; GIBERTONI, T.B. Fungos na Chapada do Araripe. In: Ulysses Paulino de Albuquerque; Marcos Vinicius Meiado. (Org.). Sociobiodiversidade na Chapada do Araripe. 1ed.Recife: NUPEEA, 2015, v. , p. 69-84.


SILVA, J.L.A.; SOUZA, A.F.; JARDIM, J.G.; GOTO, B. T. Community assembly in harsh environments: the prevalence of ecological drift in the heath vegetation of South America. Ecosphere, v. 6, p. 1-18, 2015.


SILVA, D. K. A.; GOTO, B. T.; OEHL, F.; SILVA G. A.; NOBRE, C. P.; PEREIRA, C. M. R.; MELLO, C. M. A.; ASSIS, D. M. A.; MARINHO, F.; SILVA, I. R.; PONTES, J. S.; JOBIM, K.; VIEIRA, L. C.; SOUSA, N. M. F.; LIMA, R. A. A. ; MAIA, L. C. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi: new records in Northeast of Brazil. Boletim do Museu de Biologia Mello Leitao, v. 36, p. 35-50, 2014.


BŁASKOWSKI, J.; CHWAT, G.; GORALSKA, A. ; GOTO, B.T. Rhizophagus natalensis, a new species in the Glomeromycota. Mycotaxon 129(1):97-108, 2014.


MARINHO, F.; SILVA, G.A.; FERREIRA, A. C. A.; VERAS, J. S. N.; SOUSA, N. M. F.; GOTO, B. T. ; MAIA, L.C.; OEHL, F. Bulbospora minima, a new genus and a new species in the Glomeromycetes from semi-arid Northeast Brazil. Sydowia, v. 66, p. 313-323, 2014.


SILVA, D.K.A.; GOTO, B.T.; OEHL, F.; SILVA G.A.; NOBRE, C.P.; PEREIRA, C. M.R.; MELLO, C.M.A.; ASSIS, D.M.A.; MARINHO, F.; SILVA, I.R.; PONTES, J.S.; JOBIM, K. ; VIEIRA, L.C.; SOUSA, N.M. F.; LIMA, R.A.A.; MAIA, L.C. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi: new records in Northeast of Brazil. Boletim do Museu de Biologia Mello Leitao, v. 36, p. 35-50, 2014.


PEREIRA, C.M.; SILVA, D.K.A.; FERREIRA, A.C.A.; GOTO, B.T.; MAIA, L.C. Diversity of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in Atlantic forest areas under different land uses. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment (Print), v. 185, p. 245-252, 2014.


LONGO, S.; NOUHRA, E.; GOTO, B.T.; BERBARA, R.L.L.; URCELAY, C. Effects of fire on arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in the Mountain Chaco Forest. Forest Ecology and Management, v. 315, p. 86-94, 2014.


SOUZA, R.G.; SILVA, D.K.A.; MELLO, C.M.A.; GOTO, B.T.; SILVA, F.S.B.; SAMPAIO, E.V.S.B.; MAIA, L.C. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in revegetated mined dunes. Land Degradation & Development (Print), v. 24, p. 147-155, 2013.


FURRAZOLA, E.; GOTO, B. T.; SILVA, G.A. ; TORRES-ARIAS, Y.; MORAIS, T.; LIMA, C.E.P. ; FERREIRA, A. C. A.; MAIA, L.C. ; SIEVERDING, E. ; OEHL, F. Acaulospora herrerae, a new pitted species in the Glomeromycetes from Cuba and Brazil. Nova Hedwigia, v. 97, p. 401-413, 2013.


GOTO, B. T.; PEREIRA, C. M.; NOBRE, C.P.; ZATORRE, N.P.; COVACEVICH, F.; BERBARA, R.L.L.; MAIA, L.C. Acaulospora endographis (Glomeromycetes), a new fungus with a complex spore wall. Mycotaxon, v. 123, p. 403-408, 2013.


GOTO, B. T.; ARAÚJO, A.F.; SOARES, A.C.F.; FERREIRA, A. C. A.; MAIA, L.C.; SOUSA C.S.; SILVA, G.A. Septoglomus titan, a new fungus in the Glomeraceae (Glomeromycetes) from Bahia, Brazil. Mycotaxon, v. 124, p. 101-109, 2013.


GOTO, B.T.; JARDIM, J.G; SILVA, G.A.;  FURRAZOLA,E.; TORRES-ARIAS, Y.; OEHL, F. Glomus trufemii (Glomeromycetes), a new sporocarpic species from Brazilian sand dunes. Mycotaxon, v. 120, p. 1-9, 2012.


GOTO, B. T.; SILVA, G.A.; ASSIS, D. M.; SILVA, D.K.A.; DE SOUZA, R. G.; FERREIRA, A. C. A.; JOBIM, K.; MELLO, C. A.; EVAGELISTA-VIEIRA, H.E.; MAIA, L.C.; OEHL, F. Intraornatosporaceae (Gigasporales), a new family with two new genera and two new species. Mycotaxon, v. 119, p. 117-132, 2012.


CABRAL, T.S.; MARINHO, P.; GOTO, B.T.; BASEIA, I.G. Abrachium, a new genus in the Clathraceae, and Itajahya reassessed. Mycotaxon, v. 119, p. 419-429, 2012.


MELLO, C.M.A.; SILVA, I.R. ; PONTES, J.S. ; GOTO, B.T. ; SILVA, G.A.; MAIA, L.C. Diversidade de fungos micorrízicos arbusculares em área de Caatinga, PE, Brasil. Acta Botanica Brasílica (Impresso), v. 26, p. 938-943, 2012.


SOUZA, R.G.; SILVA, D.K.A ; OLIVEIRA, J.R.G; GOTO, B.T. ; SILVA, F.S.B.; SAMPAIO, BARRETO, E.V.S.; MAIA, L.C. Use of mycorrhizal seedlings on recovery of mined dunes in northeastern Brazil. Pedobiologia (Jena). 2012.


CARDOZO JÚNIOR, F.M. ; CARNEIRO, R.F.V. ; GOTO, B. T. ; BEZERRA, A.A.C.; ARAÚJO, A.S.F. ; NUNES, L.A.P.L. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in degraded lands in Northeast Brazil. African Journal of Microbiology Research, v. 6, p. 7198-7205, 2012.


GOTO, B.T.; SILVA, G.A.; MAIA, L.C.; SOUZA, R.G.; COYNE, D.; TCHABI, A.; LAWOUIN, L.; HOUNTONDJI, F. ; OEHL, F . Racocetra tropicana, a new species in the Glomeromycetes from tropical areas. Nova Hedwigia, v. 92, p. 69-82, 2011.


OEHL, F.; SILVA, G.A.; GOTO, B.T. ; SIEVERDING, E. Glomeromycota: three new genera and glomoid species reorganized. Mycotaxon, v. 116, p. 75-120, 2011.


OEHL, F.; ALVES A SILVA, GLADSTONE; GOTO, BRUNO TOMIO ; COSTA MAIA, LEONOR ; SIEVERDING, E. Glomeromycota: two new classes and a new order. Mycotaxon, v. 116, p. 365-379, 2011.


FURRAZOLA, E.; TORRES-ARIAS, Y.; FERRER, R.L. ; HERRERA, R.A.; BERBARA, R.L.L.; GOTO, B.T. Glomus crenatum (Glomeromycetes), a new ornamented species from Cuba. Mycotaxon, v. 116, p. 143-149, 2011.


OEHL, F.; SILVA, G.A.; SÁNCHEZ-CASTRO, I.; GOTO, B.T.; MAIA, L. C.; VIEIRA, H.E.E; BAREA, J.M.; SIEVERDING, E.; PALENZUELA, J. Revision of Glomeromycetes with entrophosporoid and glomoid spore formation with three new genera. Mycotaxon, v. 117, p. 297-316, 2011.


OEHL, F.; SILVA, G.A.; GOTO, B.T.; SIEVERDING, E. New recombinations in Glomeromycota. Mycotaxon, v. 117, p. 429-434, 2011.


GOTO, B.T.; SILVA, G.A.; MAIA, L.C.; OEHL, F. Dentiscutata colliculosa, a new species in the Glomeromycetes from Northeastern Brazil with colliculate spore ornamentation. Nova Hedwigia, v. 90, p. 383-393, 2010.


GOTO, B. T.; SILVA, G.A.; YANO MELO, A.M.; MAIA, L.C. Checklist of the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (Glomeromycota) in the Brazilian semiarid. Mycotaxon, v. 113, p. 251-254, 2010.


SOUZA, R. G.; GOTO, B. T.; SILVA, D. K.; SILVA, F. S. B.; SAMPAIO, E.V.S.B.; MAIA, L.C. The role of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and cattle manure in the stablishment of Tocoyena selloana Schum. in mined dunes areas. European Journal of Soil Biology, v. 46, p. 237-242, 2010.


NOBRE, C.P.; JUNIOR, A.S.L.F.; GOTO, GOTO, B.T.; BERBARA, R.L.L.; NOGUEIRA, M.D.C. Fungos micorrízicos arbusculares em sistema de aléias no estado do Maranhão, Brasil. Acta Amazonica (Impresso), v. 40, p. 641-646, 2010.


MERGULHAO, A.C.E.S.; BURITY, H.A.; GOTO, B.T.; MAIA, L.C. Diversity of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in a gypsum mining impacted semiarid area. Acta Botanica Brasílica (Impresso), v. 24, p. 1052-1061, 2010.


GOTO, B.T.; MAIA, L.C. ; SILVA, G.A. ; OEHL, F. Racocetra intraornata, a new species in the Glomeromycetes with a unique spore wall structure. Mycotaxon, v. 109, p. 483-491, 2009.


CAVALCANTE, U.M.T.; GOTO, B.T.; Maia, L.C.. Aspectos da simbiose micorrízica arbuscular. Anais da Academia Pernambucana de Ciência Agronômica, v. 5-6, p. 180-208, 2009.


GOTO, B.T.; COSTA, C.M.C.; MAIA, L.C. Glomus halonatum Rose & Trappe (Glomeromycota) in South America: comments on the morphological characteristics of the species. Acta Botanica Brasílica (Impresso), v. 23, p. 1167-1170, 2009.


GOTO, B. T.; MOREIRA, M.; TSAI, S. M.; CARDOSO, E. J. B. N.; MAIA, L.C.. Notas sobre Acaulospora bireticulata Rothwell & Trappe e primeiro registro de Acaulospora koskei Blask. para o Brasil. Acta Botanica Brasilica, v. 22, p. 583-587, 2008.


GOTO, B.T.; MAIA, L.C.; OEHL, F. Ambispora brasiliensis, a new ornamented species in the arbuscular mycorrhiza-forming Glomeromycetes. Mycotaxon, v. 105, p. 11-18, 2008.


SILVA, L.X. ; FIGUEIREDO, M.V.B.; SILVA, G.A.; GOTO, B.T.; OLIVEIRA, J.P. ; BURITY, H.A. Fungos Micorrízicos Arbusculares em Áreas de Plantio de Leucena e Sabiá no Estado de Pernambuco. Revista Árvore, v. 31, p. 427-435, 2007.


DE ARAÚJO, Q.R.; DE ALMEIDA, O.C.; DE SANTANA, S.O.; GOTO, B.T.; CAVALCANTE, U.M. T.; BEZERRA, J.L.; MARROCOS, P.C.L. Mycorrhizal fungi in soils cultivated with cocoa in Atlantic Rain Forest, Bahia, Brazil. Agrotrópica, v. 19, p. 69-72, 2007.


GOTO, B.T.; MAIA, L.C.  Glomerospores: a new denomination for the spore of Glomeromycota, a group molecularly distinct from the Zygomycota. Mycotaxon, v. 96, p. 129-132, 2006.


GOTO, B.T. ; MAIA, L.C. Contribution to the study of Endogonales in Brazil: the first record of Peridiospora tatachia. Mycotaxon, v. 96, p. 327-332, 2006.


COSTA, C.M.C.; CAVALCANTE, U.M.T.; GOTO, B.T.; SANTOS, V.F.; MAIA, L.C. Fungos micorrízicos arbusculares e adubação fosfatada em mudas de mangabeira. Pesquisa Agropecuária Brasileira, Brasília, v. 40, n.3, p. 225-232, 2005.


GOTO, B.T.; MAIA, L.C. Sporocarpic species of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (Glomeromycota), with a new report from Brazil. Acta Botanica Brasilica, São Paulo, v. 19, n.3, p. 633-637, 2005.





Laboratório de Biologia de Micorrizas (LBM)
Departamento de Botânica e Zoologia - Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN) | 
Natal, RN - Brasil - CEP : 59072-970 

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